Salam. This is my first post for my new blog for a new year 2012 ;) Blog lama ? takpelah, saya hide je. Saja nak start benda baru untuk tahun baru.
Hi guys. I'm Amirah :) Orang kata tahun baru ada azam baru kan ? Tapi xpelah, saya xde azam baru pun. Cuma maintain kan azam yang tahun lepas untuk 'dapat MUMTAZ 2nd year degree and live happily'. Macam mne ? Okay tak azam 'baru' saya tu ? Tapi 'live happily' tu bunyi dah macam fairy tale dah. Hehe.
Talk about HAPPY. I found a cool photo from my tumblr, yaeh, for me it is cool. That photo tells us 10 things to do to make us happy :) So, why not I try to do that 10 things and why not you, guys, try that 10 things out.
Here you go.....

Actually, there are 11 happy things to do including the first sentence and actually I already did it. Hehe. I'm happy now.
Sebenarnya esok ada quiz Pharmacology tapi tak revise lagi. Huhu. Teruk3.
Okay lahhh. Jumpa lagi kat next entry pulak ye ?
Tapi sebelum tu saya nak promote
Tumblr saya yang tak seberapa tu. Follow ye. Nanti saya follow korg balik :)
See ya !